Amidst economic woes…real estate is the silver lining


According to the Wall Street Journal Wealth Report,  a survey of high net worth individuals say they are cutting back for fear of what the future might bring.  Categories hardest hit will be SUV’s, jewelry, handbags, leather goods and private jet usage.

The Silver Lining: Real Estate.  The survey found that three quarters of the respondents cited real-state as  “an opportunity”, compared with about a quarter who cited it as a “risk”.

30% are in the market to acquire real estate this year.

In another Wall Street Journal article, “Is Now A Good Time to Buy a Home?”

Their answer is, yes if you ……

  • have access to credit
  • have fat cash reserves
  • aren’t already over-exposed to real estate
  • expect to hold the proerty for at least two years…

Then now is an excellent time to buy!!!

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